Saturday, November 1, 2008


rough night last night coming home.
stupid neighborhood.

halloween is now teen debate night.

went from Obama vs.McCain
Pro-choice vs. Pro-life.
God is real vs. God is not real.
politics and church aren't suppose to mix.
you see how well that went.

Everyone's reasons for abortion are different.

The fact is, abortions should not be banned.
We should put out an effort to make sure that abortions are never used as a soul method of birth control.
We should do this by putting a limit on how many abortions one women can have in a certain amount of time.

If you are pro-life, do what you can. Adopt a child. Advocate for birth control. Help eradicate abstinence only education.

But understand this. Our reasons for things vary. Our morals vary. But no matter how we feel, we need to understand that is how we feel alone. And if abortions were banned. If they were illegal- they would continue to happen. Because the need for a women to have power over her body is something you cannot fight. This debate is too large to put into two categories.

We are not all pro-choice or pro-life. We should all work together to educate and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Educate about birth control.
Give options to the women who are having unplanned pregnancies. Talk openly about not only our opinions, but the opinions of others.

Be open minded. We are all passionate about our views on this topic, but we can do so and still be mature.

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