Saturday, November 22, 2008


Army: To see the army in your dream, symbolizes an overpowering force working against you. You may feel outnumbered or pressured and unable to deal/overcome this situation.

Mall:To dream that you are at the mall, represents your attempts in making a favorable impression on someone. The mall is also symbolic of materialism and the need to keep up with the trends, fads, and/or the latest technology.

Build-a-bear: To see or receive a teddy bear in your dream, suggests a regression to an earlier state. It symbolizes lost security, comfort, companionship and implies that you need to be reassured and taken care of. You may be reminiscing about early childhood memories. Alternatively, a teddy bear signifies an immature relationship. Alternatively, a teddy bear signifies an immature relationship.

Popcorn:To see popcorn in your dream, suggests that you are full of ideas. It may also indicate that certain truths/facts are being made aware to you.

Driving: To dream that you are driving a vehicle, signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates that you do not know where you are headed in life and what you really want to do with yourself. You are lacking direction and goals. If you are driving on a curvy road, then it indicates that you are have difficulties in achieving your goals and the changes associated with it. Alternatively, driving a car in your dream, is analogous to your sex life and sexual performance. Consider how you are driving and what kind of car you are driving and how it relates to your waking sex life.

To dream that someone else is driving you, represents your dependence on the driver. You are not in control of your life and following the goals of others instead of your own. If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it suggests that you are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. You are beginning to make your own decisions.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


It just kind of sucks. A lot. I wish I had someone to talk to. But I don't. I always feel like I'm burdening people with my problems. I never say anything. Figure, if they wanted to know, they'd ask. But they never do. I don't have anyone. I haven't felt so alone in such a long time. My life is seriously falling the fuck apart. And I don't know how to make it stop. And what's worse is, I have no one. I thought it was just me pushing people away. But really, I have no one. My friends have problems of their own. & the people I do choose to talk to have nothing to say. Maybe I expect too much? Maybe I'm being selfish? Maybe it's just bad karma? I don't know what it is. But it's bad. And all it does is get worse. I want someone to be there for me. Someone who doesn't yell at me, or criticize me, or tell me things I already know. Someone who doesn't state the obvious, or tell me I'm fucking up. It's hard to admit when you need help, but really.... I need help. & I want someone who will help me.

I brought this all on myself,
but I can't do it alone.

Monday, November 10, 2008

i got pulled over!


i'm going like about 50 miles on what i thought was a 45mph street,
and all of a sudden i drive by this cop and automatically does a U-turn.
His lights didnt go off, so i wasn't exactly sure what was upppp.
so i do a lane change cause i needed to be in the right lane. and i wanted to know if the cop was following me. sure enough, i look in the rearview mirror and there he is. So we pull up to a red light, and he gets out from behind me, and pulls up next to me.

Cop mouths-roll your window down
*i roll it down*
Cop-Do you live in Avondale?
(this is about the point my face starts going red)
Cop-Well, then you should very well know not to go 53 in a 35mph zone
*i nod my head* Me-Yes
(soooo, because i live in avondale... i should know not to go above the speed limit....? OH, and i'm almost 99.9% sure it was a 45mph zone, NOT 35mph. which i will be checking tomorrow...)
Cop- I should be pulling you over right now and writing you a ticket.
*pause* shouldn't I?
OF COURSE I DONT WANT YOU TO PULL ME OVER!sdklfjs;adlkfj;sdkljf)
Cop-Well, Slow it down
*i roll my window back up.*

okay, now THIS is my favorite part!!!
so he can run the red light.
(he was in the left lane)
just so he could turn around.

no, REALLY?!@!?!?!?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

dont know

Some days, I feel like all I am is extra baggage. Just a ball and chain attached to a foot. Nothing really. The thought of this box being empty makes me sick. I have so many emotions swirling through my head right now, I wish I could write them all down. But I have no idea where to start.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Dear.....someone, anyone, you.
Everyday I fail.
Everyday I find hatred in myself.
Everyday I try.
Everyday I let myself down.
Everyday I look for guidance.
Everyday I seek solace.
Everyday I am sad.
Everyday I know tomorrow will be no different.
I want to believe.
I want to love.
I want to win.
I want to do better.
I want to change.
I want to be happy.
I want to proud of myself.
I want to know tomorrow will be different.
I will continue to want change everyday……

Saturday, November 1, 2008


rough night last night coming home.
stupid neighborhood.

halloween is now teen debate night.

went from Obama vs.McCain
Pro-choice vs. Pro-life.
God is real vs. God is not real.
politics and church aren't suppose to mix.
you see how well that went.

Everyone's reasons for abortion are different.

The fact is, abortions should not be banned.
We should put out an effort to make sure that abortions are never used as a soul method of birth control.
We should do this by putting a limit on how many abortions one women can have in a certain amount of time.

If you are pro-life, do what you can. Adopt a child. Advocate for birth control. Help eradicate abstinence only education.

But understand this. Our reasons for things vary. Our morals vary. But no matter how we feel, we need to understand that is how we feel alone. And if abortions were banned. If they were illegal- they would continue to happen. Because the need for a women to have power over her body is something you cannot fight. This debate is too large to put into two categories.

We are not all pro-choice or pro-life. We should all work together to educate and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Educate about birth control.
Give options to the women who are having unplanned pregnancies. Talk openly about not only our opinions, but the opinions of others.

Be open minded. We are all passionate about our views on this topic, but we can do so and still be mature.