Saturday, October 4, 2008


Everyone changes: you've changed, I've changed, the lawn mower's grandson who lives across the street, around the corner, and down twelve houses has changed. It's what people do, it's what life is all about. I understand that, but the problem I have is that you change because you want people to "accept" you. Don't change for other people, change for yourself. You need to be okay with who YOU are, before you can expect other people to be okay with it. You need to realize you can't be EVERYONE's friend. Some people aren't going to like you, no matter how hard you try. It's sad to admit that, but seriously. You can't live your life trying to please everyone else. You shouldn't have to change something about yourself, hoping other people will like you more. Everyone has their own ideas of how people should be. You try to match that, you'll be even more scattered. Who are they to tell you the kind of life you should live? Who are they to tell you the kind of person you should be? They aren't. If you spent all your time trying to meet everyone's expectations, you wouldn't have time to truly find yourself.

It's situations like these that bring out the worst in people.

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