Thursday, January 1, 2009

sucky day

holy shit.

it started off okaaay.

then my dad finds the secret i'm sending to postsecret and it includes him in it.
so he comes and talks to me about that and i'm like hysterically crying
then after that, i watched Gilmore girls and cried during EVERY scene.
i just laid in bed and cried like all day.

then, Josh.
the one fucking guy who is suppose to fucking be here for me,
i haven't talked to him in like a week, i mean. we've had a few "hey, what up?" convos.
but he's been to fucking busy drinking and going to casinos to worry about anything going on with me, Especially when I'm crying. wow. f.U.

THEN i go out to get chicken fingers, cause i need comfort food, obvs.

there were two police cars like talking to some guy, and the police cars were taking up the whole lane, so this fucking guy in the HUGE truck decides he can just go around them thinking he has the fucking right away.
and here i am, just driving along trying to go get me some comfort food, and all of a sudden, i have these two HUGE headlights shining RIGHT at me.
so i slammed on my brakes and the cops like look over like WTF? and i'm like freaking out, and one of them was like "are you okay...?" and what not, so i just reversed my car, and let the fucking idiot go.
OH THEN THE TWO CARS BEHIND HIM DECIDE TO GO. I was like... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! fucking idiots dont know how to drive.

so anyway, i went to mcdonalds and got my chicken fingers, but i was suppose to get a large and the fucking lady gave me a medium, AND NO HONEY MUSTURD. god.damn.fucking.idiots.

then i went to CVS got ice cream, cookies, and chocolate, then i walked over and got three diet cokes, and laughed cause, i have like all this junk in my hand and diet coke. well anyway.

i'm home now, gonna crawl in bed and watch movies.

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